1/12th scale Mantel Clocks
- hand painted blue clock
- silver mounted clock
- brass mounted clock
- french ormolu mantel
- Shaker mantel clock
- 17thc mantel clock
- Art deco clock
- 18thc elephant clock
- Lacquered Bracket clock
- French cartel wall clock
- French cartel wall clock green
- Tompion Sussex Clock
- Bracket clock silver mounts
- limited edition silver mounted clock
- French ormolu mantel clock
- Boulle fine mantel Clock
- French cartel clock
- English bracket clock
- American double steeple
- Victorian slate clock
- French boulle clock
- Art deco Mantel clock
- Voysey painted clock
- Arch top Boulle clock
- American federal clock
- Skeleton Clock
- Georgian lancet clock
- Balloon Clock
- Lacquered clock
- arch top bracket clock
- english arch bracket
- deco mantel clock
- deco clock
- lacquered bracket clock
- american double clock
- american shelf clock
12th scale Longcases, and Tallcase clocks, including English, French and other, Mantel and Bracket clocks, including Georgian, Victorian, Edwardian and modern, Wall clocks in 12th scale and 24th scale all working including Vienna, Dial Clocks and others, fine scale furniture for the dolls house, or dollhouse, mainly Georgian but also Shaker, French, and American, a wide range of working 1/12th scale and 1/24th scale working miniature clocks, for your roombox, room box or dolls house, commissions and copies of your own clocks made to order, a good range of working miniature dolls house miniature clocks, and miniature furniture, other scale including 1/144th scale dolls houses for your dolls house, including 1/144th scale furniture and fittings, individual one off commissions, copies of your own clock or furniture in miniature specialising in working miniature clocks.