Contact details below
I can supply further details and in some cases, further pictures of all the items included in this site, for example sizes and colours.

The objects that I make are changing by the week and I always have something new on-the-go, as I always aim to show new pieces at each show. As you can imagine, this website can become out of date quickly – so if you don’t see the clock you are looking for – please just ask, as I may have or be working on, one and the same.
If you would like any further help please contact me
15 La Besse
Tel: 05 55 30 57 27
Tel: 00 33 5 55 30 57 27 (from overseas)
We try to update the site every 1 – 2 months with new and exciting miniatures. If you are looking for a particular style or type of clock which you do not see in these few pages, please contact me as I may be able to help you.